The Message You Deliver

The Message You Deliver

How we communicate says a lot about us.  We have all read the business magazines and journals that break communication exchanges down. (I may actually do a bit of that in future posts.) However, for the purpose of this blog, in my opinion, your communication shows two...

“No brown after six.”

“No brown after six.”

 "No brown after six" and "no brown in town" are catchy little sayings that were created to help men remember rules of social dress in the 19th century.  Do any of these rules still apply? Should men even care about the rules of etiquette for dress these days?  The...

3 Expert Tips to Politely End a Conversation

3 Expert Tips to Politely End a Conversation

Have you ever been cornered by someone at a networking event?  Did you struggle with how to end the conversation without ending the relationship?  Networking is all about creating and preserving relationships at all costs.  Therefore, you would never want to offend or...